CodeIgniter File System

Codeigniter File System

CodeIgniter files hierarchy as shown below.

CodeIgniter File System

CodeIgniter directory structure is divided into three parts:

  • application
  • system
  • user_guide

application folder contains all the code of your application that you're building. Basically, this folder contains your models, views, controllers, and other code (such as helpers and libraries). The application folder contains several other folders, which are explained below:

CodeIgniter File System
  • cache - The cache folder contains all cached pages for your application.
  • config - The config folder contains various files to configure the application with the help of config.php file.
  • controllers - The controllers folder contains the controllers of your application.
  • core - The core folder contains the base class files of your application.
  • helpers - The helpers folder contains the helper class of your application.
  • hooks - The hooks folder contains files provides a means to tap into and modify the inner workings of the framework without hacking the core files.
  • language - The language folder contains language related files.
  • libraries - The libraries folder contains files of the libraries developed by you for your application.
  • log - The log folder contains files related to the log of the system.
  • models - The models folder contains files that are designed to work with information in your database.
  • third_party - The third_party folder contains plugins used for your application.
  • views - The views folder contains application's HTML template files.

system folder is where all the action happens. This folder contains all the CodeIgniter code of consequence, organized into various folders:

CodeIgniter File System
  • core - The core folder contains CodeIgniter core class. Do not modify anything here.
  • database - The database folder contains database drivers and other utilities.
  • fonts - The fonts folder contains font related information and utilities.
  • helpers - The helpers folder contains default helpers such as url, captcha, cookie, date, directory etc.
  • language - The language folder contains supports multilingual web applications. It contains default language file.
  • libraries - The libraries folder contains libraries such as encryption, email, pagination, ftp, profiler, calendar etc.

user_guide folder offline codeIgniter guide.In case of any query, you can read its user guide.It is recommended to go through this user guide before building your first web application in CodeIgniter.